Wildflowers, and the areas where they grow, support a vast array of insects and other wildlife ... including us humans!
They are currently in need of help:
There is a lot we can do:
We are flying the flag for wildflowers!:
'Start the Week with a Wildflower' - a new feature on our Facebook, Instagram and website. | |
Our new 'Colerne Wildflower Patch Project' asks people to join in creating a virtual Wildflower Meadow by giving over a small patch of their lawn, (or tub if no lawn) to wildflowers. Colerne CE Primary School is taking part with each class growing a “patch” and the children have done lovely flower drawings on the seed envelopes. See here for more. | |
Developing a 'walk to School wildflower spotter sheet'. | |
Promoting a monthly wildflower hunt, aimed especially at families. | |
Arranging wildflower, butterfly and insect walks to make the connection between wildflowers and pollinator survival. | |
A School Wildflower Workshop combining botanical art and outdoor wildflower hunt. |
We hope to run wildflower art sessions for adults in the Churchyard. | |
Involving local collage and sewing people in making a communal wildflower banner in the Colerne Church as part of their 'God’s Acre' work. | |
Clearing vegetation to revive a erge previously protected for its floral richness. | |
Making plans for a floral art exhibition. |
Be part of the 'Colerne Wildflower Patch Project'. Email info@wildcolerne.org for information.
Garden for nature - see the Garden for Wildlife area on our actions for sustainability page.
Welcome wildflowers to your lawn: Mow less and on a high cut (2 inches) to allow low growing plants, e.g. daisies, clover and self heal to thrive. Leave some areas long for more diverse plants.
Avoid pesticides and herbicides.
Get in touch if you have a wildflower interest and knowledge you can share.
Slow down, notice and enjoy wildflowers on walks.
Take your children on wildflower hunts.
Get in touch if you can help to encourage a love of wildflowers through art or writing.