
Space for Wildflowers

Wildflowers, and the areas where they grow, support a vast array of insects and other wildlife ... including us humans!


They are currently in need of help:


  • 97% of UK wildflower meadows have been lost since the 1930's.
  • We're losing the plant knowledge and connection that was part of growing up for generations before us. This does matter, as it means plants more easily disappear unnoticed.
  • 49% of uk plant species have declined in range since the 1950's, with only 20% increasing.
  • One in 5 species is at risk of extinction.


There is a lot we can do:

  • With over 23 million gardens in the UK, our lawns add up to a significant proportion of our land - this gives us huge potential to help our wildflowers and the pollinators that depend on them.
  • One mile of flower rich verge can produce 20g of nectar, enough to feed millions of pollinators!
What we are doing

We are flying the flag for wildflowers!:


'Start the Week with a Wildflower' - a new feature on our Facebook, Instagram and website.


Our new 'Colerne Wildflower Patch Project' asks people to join in creating a virtual Wildflower Meadow by giving over a small patch of their lawn, (or tub if no lawn) to wildflowers. Colerne CE Primary School  is taking part with each class growing a “patch” and the children have done lovely flower drawings on the seed envelopes. See here for more.


Developing a 'walk to School wildflower spotter sheet'.


Promoting a monthly wildflower hunt, aimed especially at families.


Arranging wildflower, butterfly and insect walks to make the connection between wildflowers and pollinator survival.


A School Wildflower Workshop combining botanical art and outdoor wildflower hunt.


We hope to run wildflower art sessions for adults in the Churchyard.


Involving local collage and sewing people in making a communal wildflower banner in the Colerne Church as part of their 'God’s Acre' work.


Clearing vegetation to revive a  erge previously protected for its floral richness.


Making plans for a floral art exhibition.

Can You Help?
  • Be part of the 'Colerne Wildflower Patch Project'. Email info@wildcolerne.org for information.

  • Garden for nature - see the Garden for Wildlife area on our actions for sustainability page.

  • Welcome wildflowers to your lawn: Mow less and on a high cut (2 inches) to allow low growing plants, e.g. daisies, clover and self heal to thrive. Leave some areas long for more diverse plants.

  • Avoid pesticides and herbicides.

  • Get in touch if you have a wildflower interest and knowledge you can share.

  • Slow down, notice and enjoy wildflowers on walks. 

  • Take your children on wildflower hunts.

  • Get in touch if you can help to encourage a love of wildflowers through art or writing.