Bees, Butterflies, Moths and Bugs

Our Insects

Our insects are in trouble. So easy to not notice, but this needs to worry us: we depend on them.


UK children born in 2004 have seen a 64% decline in flying insects by the time they reach 18.


Since the 1970s, 80% of butterfly species have decreased in abundance or distribution or both. So sad to be losing their life-giving buzz, beauty and purpose around us.


These findings are from Bug Life's 'Bugs Matter' 2022 citizen science survey; download their full report (pdf).

What we are doing

Raising awareness and taking time to notice and enjoy them.  Events so far have included:


Butterfly Walks.


Bug hunt and collage workshop at Colerne Primary with local artist Marian Hill; check out her website


Morning moth trap reveal get-together, with coffee, or course.


Insect information stalls and display boards.

Wild Colerne display board - garding for insects and wildflowers.
Can You Help?
  • Are there dull spaces near you that could be transformed with some pollinator friendly planting - for our insects but also for us?
  • Mow less often and use a higher cut.

  • Leave a “wild area” to give our insects a bit of wild space, to feed, breed and complete their life cycles.
How lawn mowing affects insects. Illustrations by  local artist Marian Hill -
  • Ditch the pesticides/herbicides!

Illustrations by  local artist Marian Hill  -